Give her wings to fly and she just might take them...

One of the ways by which we at Jachory Wings contribute in our own little way to social and economic development in countries, is by partnering with local Non-Governmental Organisations / charities to reach a common goal. Did you know that an estimated 40.3 million people are in modern slavery (International Labour Organization, 1996-2020). About 71% of all human trafficking victims are women and girls, with 28% being children (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 2020).

In the Philippines (Manila specifically), we partner with an NGO called MadeInHope (She WORKS) which helps rehabilitate victims of human trafficking, including women and children. The NGO draws alongside these women and their families to teach them new handicraft and leadership skills to enable them earn a steady income and provide for their families. It also delivers creative interventions (such as puppet shows and trafficking awareness campaigns) in schools, government forums and other decision-making bodies.

Early this year, Jachory Wings purchased a batch of handmade anti-trafficking "Hope bracelets" lovingly crafted by these women.

Now with the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown across the world, these are some of the people who are hit the hardest, amongst others. Our partner MadeInHope has stepped up to provide carepacks (with food and necessities) to about 77 families. If you would like to support in providing carepacks for these women and children, please get in touch with us via chat or email to

For more info on this NGO and how they're adapting to the current crisis situation, you can visit

Info on their empowerment initiatives (She LEADS, She WORKS, She ACTS, She CARES):

Other ways to help could be by purchasing a "Hope bracelet" from the Jachory store - as a way of showing that there is value in what these women have created.

Thank you for caring!

Much love, Jachory Wings

#jachorywings #ngo #social #economic #development #sdg #partnership #empower #community #antitrafficking #freedom #she #transformation #women #children #foreverychild #justice #intervention #covid #hope #manila #philippines #lead #leadership #handmade #creative