"Who put cheese on the table?"

We spend a good proportion of our days working.   

Work as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity.  

We have the opportunity to either be shaped by work, to influence work or to transform it.   

People have different reasons for working - for self fulfilment / gratification, to sustain oneself or others, for financial stability, to learn, to build community, to make a difference, to avail oneself of opportunities such as pay, travel, and working collaboration. The reasons are endless.   

Resources are scarce and time is finite, this presents the need to earn one's daily bread. Or as we at Jachory like to put it - to put cheese on the table.  

So, do join us on this journey over the next months as we explore different types of cheese and having a good spread on the table called "work".   

Say it with Jachory.

;-) Susie